Safeconsole Cloud With Anti-malware 1 Year Device License Plus Anti-malware For Safeconsole Ready Device

Safeconsole Cloud With Anti-malware 1 Year Device License Plus Anti-malware For Safeconsole Ready Device

Part Number:

£54.70  (incl. VAT)


Instantly gain complete and granular control over all of your encrypted USB flash drives and portable hard drives with the SafeConsole central management server software. SafeConsole Ready Devices are available with antivirus protection powered by McAfee. McAfee blocks viruses, ransomware, spyware, and any other malware threats and reports to SafeConsole when the viruses and malware are removed. With no installation required, anti-malware activation is available as an added feature with your current or new SafeConsole account. Learn more about Anti-malware Protection

Features & Benefits

  • Control
    • Enforce policies such as password rules, file-type restrictions or geographic boundaries. Reset passwords, switch endpoints into readonly mode, and even remotely wipe them in case of loss or theft.
  • Inventory
    • Monitor all your encrypted endpoints, including their location anywhere in the world. Integrate with Active Directory to track users, assigned devices and connected computers with ease.
  • Audit
    • See which files are saved to or deleted from your encrypted endpoints at any given moment. Use a complete audit trail by user, including connections, login failures, resets and loss reports.
  • Report
    • Analyze your SafeConsole Ready endpoints – see total connections, device inventory and geolocation chart in one glance. Third Party SIEM integration is available using Splunk or Graylog.
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